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What is a tutorial?

A tutorial is a detailed guide or instructional material designed to teach users knowledge or skills. Tutorials can be in various formats, including text, video or interactive applications.


  • Step-by-step instructions: Tutorials are characterized by a clear, step-by-step presentation of information to facilitate the learning process.

  • Practical orientation: Many tutorials include practical exercises to apply and consolidate what has been learned.

  • Versatile formats: Tutorials can take the form of written text, video presentations, online courses or interactive simulations.

Areas of application

  • Software and technology: Tutorials are widely used to teach users how to use software, programming languages or technologies.

  • Craft and DIY: Instructions for craft work, handicraft projects or DIY projects are often available in tutorial form.

  • Education: In education, tutorials are used to support pupils and students in consolidating teaching content.


  • Comprehensibility: Tutorials must be clear and understandable to ensure an effective learning process.

  • Timeliness: In fast-moving areas such as technology, the timeliness of tutorials is crucial.

  • Consider learning styles: As people have different learning styles, tutorials should consider different formats and approaches.


No, tutorials can be designed for beginners to advanced users and often cover a wide range of skill levels.