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Introduction to augmented reality (AR)

Augmented reality (AR) is an advanced technology that augments the real world with digital information and objects. In contrast to virtual reality (VR), which places users in a completely virtual environment, AR superimposes digital content onto the real physical world. This technology is increasingly being used in various areas such as education, entertainment, industry and medicine.

Key features of augmented reality

  • Overlaying information: AR adds digital elements to the real world, such as images, videos, 3D models or text.

  • Real-time interaction: Users can interact with the digital additions in real time, enabling seamless integration of the real and digital worlds.

  • Wide range of applications: From smartphone apps to AR glasses to specialized industrial applications - AR is versatile.

Areas of application for augmented reality

  • Education and training: AR is used to create interactive learning experiences and convey complex content in an understandable way.

  • Gaming and entertainment: In the gaming industry, AR provides an immersive gaming experience by integrating game content into the real world.

  • Retail and marketing: AR enables customers to try out products virtually or obtain additional product information.

  • Industry and maintenance: AR supports maintenance and repair work by displaying instructions and information directly in the user's field of vision.

  • Medicine and healthcare: AR is used in surgery and medical training to visualize complex medical procedures.

Future and development of AR

As technology advances and devices improve, AR will become more accessible and ubiquitous. The integration of AI and machine learning into AR systems will enable even more precise and intelligent applications. The future promises an even closer fusion of digital and physical reality, with AR playing a key role.


While AR augments the real world with digital information, VR places users in a completely virtual environment.