Farewell term chaos, we give you the talk - from a to z

Industry jargon not your thing? Our glossary will enlighten you!

What is a model book?

The model book (or portfolio folder) is an indispensable part of every model's basic equipment. It contains a representative selection of particularly good photos that can be presented to potential clients during a casting or a go-see for presentation purposes.

How should a model book be structured?

The model portfolio must be made of the sturdiest and most resistant materials possible. This will ensure that your photos are protected from wind and weather on the one hand and cannot be bent over on the other. In terms of appearance, an understated version is always preferable. The portfolio book itself should never distract from the photos.

  • Exterior: Hard plastic and leather have proven themselves as materials. Both options offer the necessary stability and protect the photos.

  • Inside: The photos are housed in presentation sleeves or foil pages. These can be easily removed and replaced or rebound as required.

  • Photos: Make sure that the photos are in 20 x 30 cm format. Smaller photos would give the impression of a lack of professionalism. Also think carefully about the order in which you place the photos.

Although a business card holder is not a must, it can be an advantage in some situations. For example, if you want to work with a new client without the help of a talent agency. This way, you always have your most important contact details to hand.

Which photos belong in the model book?

Ideally, the pictures in your portfolio should give potential clients a good impression of your versatility. They should therefore show you in a wide variety of outfits and poses, with different hairstyles and changing make-up or in different locations. Deliberately simple photos should also be included in your repertoire.

A model book is particularly important for up-and-coming models. At Jobwork you will find all the information you need to help you with this.

Are there also digital model books?

In addition to traditional model books, more and more agencies are now relying on so-called webbooks. If a client is interested in a model, they receive access to this webbook and can click through the photos online.

Such offers have the following advantages:

  • Resolution: Compared to developed photos, digital images have a significantly higher resolution and therefore also significantly better quality.

  • Enlargement possible: Digital photos can be enlarged on the screen without any problems. This gives the customer the opportunity to take a closer look at certain details.

  • More storage space: While the space in a model book is rather limited, virtually any number of photos can be stored in the Modelcloud. The model can present many more facets of herself.


In most cases, a model book is kept in A4 format. This size is necessary to accommodate the desired large photos. However, A4 is not one of the handiest options. This is why many models, especially in North America, use a portfolio folder in A5 format.