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What is a fitting?

Fitting in the fashion industry refers to the process of fitting garments to a model or customer to ensure that they fit perfectly. This step is central to the design and production phase of fashion items, as it ensures that the garment is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also comfortable and functional. Fittings take place at various stages of fashion development, from the initial design phase to the final presentation at fashion shows or in photo shoots.

The importance of fittings

Fittings are essential to bring the designer's vision to life and present the garment in the best possible way. A perfect fitting emphasizes the best features of a garment and contributes significantly to the overall impression. It also helps to identify and correct any design flaws before the garment is presented to the public.

  • Perfect fit: The main aim of a fitting is to make the garment fit the wearer perfectly. This often involves alterations to size, length and shape.

  • Design fine-tuning: Fittings help designers to refine and adjust their designs to achieve the desired look and style.

  • Quality control: They are also used to check the quality and comfort of the garment.

Sequence of a fitting

  1. Preparation: First, the garments to be tried on are selected and prepared.

  2. Fitting: The model or customer tries on the garment while the designer or tailor assesses the fit.

  3. Adjustments: Based on the fitting, adjustments are made, which can range from minor changes such as pinning to more extensive modifications.

  4. Final check: After the adjustments, another fitting is carried out to ensure that all changes have been implemented correctly.

The role of the model coach at fittings

A model coach can prepare models on how to behave during a fitting. This includes how to move and pose effectively to present the clothes in the best possible way. The coach can also help to boost the model's confidence to ensure a positive aura at fittings.

Challenges with fittings

  • Time management: Fittings can be time consuming, especially when extensive alterations are required.

  • Communication: Effective communication between designer, tailor and model is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and achieve the desired result.

Fittings in various fashion areas

  • Catwalk: Fitting is crucial at fashion shows to ensure that every outfit fits perfectly and is presented in the best possible way on the catwalk.

  • Photography: In photo shoots, fittings ensure that the clothes fit perfectly in the pictures and that the desired aesthetic is achieved.

  • Bespoke fashion: In bespoke fashion, fittings are an essential part of the process to ensure that the clothing is customized to the customer.

Fitting challenges

  • Time management: Fittings can be time consuming, especially when extensive alterations are required.

  • Communication: Effective communication between designer, tailor and model is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and achieve the desired result.

Fitting as a collaborative process

Fittings are often collaborative events where designers, tailors, models and sometimes stylists work together to achieve the best possible result. Everyone involved contributes their expertise and perspective to make the clothes look their best.


Fitting is crucial for the end product, as it ensures that the garment fits perfectly and that the design intention is fully realized.