Latest jobs, castings, and auditions in Europe

Limitless opportunities await you in Europe: Immerse yourself in a fascinating world full of cultural diversity, historic cities and innovative ideas. Find your place in a world full of professional opportunities and creative fulfilment.

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Europäische Flagge mit goldenen Sternen auf blauem Hintergrund

Discover jobs in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and many other countries throughout Europe

Europe - your gateway to the world of creativity. Explore diverse cultures and make an international start in the colorful world of the creative industries.

Your gateway to a world full of creative possibilities

Exclusive jobs in front and behind the camera

With us, you'll find jobs that don't appear in any of your feeds! Whether in front of the lens or behind it - new vacancies that match your profile and skills every day.

Direct casting - without any detours

Into the limelight with just one click: no casting couch, no waiting room! Your talent is in the spotlight and the decision-makers are just a click away.

Your career and network booster

Network with trendy companies, agencies and industry giants. Expand your network and build up valuable contacts. Give your career the boost it deserves!

8,000+ companies trust in us
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Find your spotlight

With Jobwork, find daily new jobs straight from the creative scene. Film, TV, theatre, music, events, and more are waiting for you!