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What is streaming?

Streaming is a technology that enables users to consume multimedia content such as videos, music, podcasts and live broadcasts via the Internet without having to download the data in full. This content is transmitted continuously as a data stream and played back simultaneously. Streaming services such as Netflix, Spotify, Amazon Prime Video and Twitch have fundamentally changed traditional forms of media consumption such as television and radio.

Basic functions of streaming

  • Video on demand (VoD): Services such as Netflix and Hulu allow users to watch movies and TV series at any time.

  • Live streaming: Platforms such as Twitch and YouTube Live broadcast events in real time, which is particularly popular for sporting events, concerts and gaming.

  • Music streaming: Services such as Spotify and Apple Music offer access to millions of music tracks and radio shows for a monthly fee or free of charge with advertising.

  • Podcast streaming: Platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts make it easier to stream and subscribe to episodic audio content on a wide range of topics.

Technology behind streaming

Streaming works via network protocols that enable fast and efficient transmission of multimedia data. Adaptive streaming techniques such as HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) and DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) automatically adapt the video quality to the bandwidth of the Internet connection to ensure continuous playback without interruptions.

Advantages of streaming

  • Accessibility: Content is available anywhere and at any time, provided there is an internet connection.

  • Variety: Streaming services offer a wide range of content that goes beyond traditional media such as cable TV.

  • Personalization: Algorithms recommend content to users based on their preferences and viewing habits, creating a tailored media consumption experience.

  • Cost-efficiency: Many streaming services offer unlimited access to their libraries for a relatively low monthly fee, replacing more expensive traditional media subscriptions.

Challenges with streaming

  • Data consumption: Streaming, especially in high quality, can consume significant amounts of data, which can be a problem with limited data plans.

  • Latency issues: Live streaming can experience delays, which can be particularly disruptive during sports broadcasts or e-sports.

  • Copyright issues: The easy accessibility of streamed content leads to challenges in enforcing copyrights and license agreements.

  • Dependence on the internet connection: A poor connection can lead to interruptions, buffering and reduced quality.


An internet-enabled device such as a smartphone, tablet, computer or smart TV and a stable internet connection are required.