Farewell term chaos, we give you the talk - from a to z

Industry jargon not your thing? Our glossary will enlighten you!

What is a camera assistant?

The camera assistant acts as an extension of the camera operator and takes care of all relevant matters relating to the operation of the camera. He ensures that the camera technology works flawlessly and that there are no delays in the process.

Are there different types of camera assistants?

A complete camera team consists of more than just a cameraman and a camera assistant. It usually also includes a second camera assistant. The two assistants clearly have different tasks.

The 1st camera assistant

The first camera assistant is also known as the "first assistant camera", "1st AC" or "focus puller". He is responsible for the proper functioning of all components as well as their assembly and disassembly. He is one of the most important employees of the Director of Photography (DOP) and acts as the contact person for all technical questions relating to the camera equipment. He is also responsible for setting and adjusting the focus level.

The 2nd camera assistant

Also known as "2nd Assistant Camera", "2nd AC" or "Clapper Loader" or "Film Loader". Responsible for the organization and management of the equipment pool. He makes his appearance by famously hitting the film clapperboard. If the team is working with recordings on real film, the 2nd AC takes over the management of the raw material.

One of the most important tasks of a camera assistant. He is responsible for ensuring that the actor in the picture always remains in focus. He achieves this by simultaneously tracking the focal plane on the lens to that in the picture. The distance between the actor and the camera is crucial for this.

Andreas Niederwipper
CEO Jobwork GmbH

What tasks does a camera assistant have to perform?

The work of a camera assistant doesn't just begin during the filming phase on set, they have to take care of a long list of open points in advance.

Depending on the status of 1st or 2nd camera assistant, the following points are on the to-do list:

  • Tasks of the 1st camera assistant

  • Before the start of shooting:

  • Read the script to get an impression of the necessary equipment

  • Create a list of equipment

  • Communication with camera rental and post-production

  • Visual and functional check of the equipment received

On set:

  • Setting up, changing and dismantling the camera

  • Changing the recording medium, lens and filter

  • Adjustment of all relevant parameters on camera and lens

  • Elimination of interfering light incidence

  • Focus adjustment and focus control

  • Checking for lint or scratches

  • Checking the control monitor

  • Minor repairs

  • Communication with production, post-production and equipment rental

  • Attendance at sample demonstrations


  • Cleaning, completeness check and return of camera equipment

  • Tasks of the 2nd camera assistant

  • Before the start of shooting:

  • Consultation with production regarding transportation and storage of equipment and film material

  • Procurement and acceptance of consumables (e.g. storage media or film)

  • Communication with copying plant

  • Supporting the 1st assistant with the necessary tests

On the set:

  • Provision of the necessary equipment

  • Connecting and checking various radio and cable connections

  • Supporting the 1st camera assistant

  • Hitting the film clapperboard

  • If necessary: loading and unloading the film material and managing it

  • Regular charging of all batteries

  • Equipment maintenance


  • Completeness check, cleaning and return of equipment

  • If necessary: material accounting


Even if the areas of responsibility sometimes overlap, the professions of 1st and 2nd camera assistants are fundamentally clearly separated from one another. They are different functions.