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What is a model scout?

Model scouts are the employees of a model agency who are responsible for constantly finding new, promising models. They recognize the potential in (predominantly) young girls and boys, approach them and make the initial contact. The more model bookings an agent has on his record, the more successful he is.

The model scout is an important agency employee and in his role is constantly on the lookout for new editorial models, high-fashion models or advertising faces.

What makes a good model scout?

Above all, a successful scout is well networked in the modeling world. But nobody starts with a database full to bursting with contacts. This wants and needs to be developed. In order to fill the proverbial little black book, prospective model scouts should have the following qualities:

  • Open personality

  • Enjoy getting to know new people

  • Self-confident appearance

  • Well-groomed appearance

You should also be willing to work outside of normal office hours. Model scouting is not a 9-to-5 job, but involves a lot of night and weekend work.

If you can't or don't want to make such an extensive commitment, you have the option of only looking for models for a few hours a week. Agencies are generally always interested in new faces and are correspondingly flexible when it comes to the working conditions of their scouts.

You can find all the important information about the job description of a model scout at Jobwork.

What should a model scout look out for?

A model scout must first have an eye for the classic model attributes. In other words, perfect measurements and a pretty, symmetrical face. However, looks alone are by no means everything, especially not in this day and age.

It is also important:

  • Being up to date: A model scout needs to know which types are currently in demand in the industry. If a potential model does not correspond to this type, it will be difficult to be placed and receive orders despite an undoubtedly attractive appearance.

  • Knowledge of human nature: The model business is tough. You need a solid character to succeed in it. If you don't have this, you will find it difficult. A good scout can tell at first glance whether a person is suitable for the modeling life.

How much does a Model Scout earn on average?

As a rule, model scouts work for an agency on a freelance basis. However, there are also always permanently employed agents. It would therefore be dubious to give a blanket number as a standard salary for model scouts at this point.

However, if you compare various figures with each other, an average gross salary of 41,000 euros emerges. Of course, this only applies to a fixed employment contract of 40 hours per week.

In some cases, agents are paid a percentage of the model's fee. If a model he discovers is successful, the scout benefits twice over. On the one hand, financially, and on the other hand, they earn an equally good reputation in the industry with good results and their services are therefore often requested.


There is no tailor-made training or predetermined educational path for model scouts. Rather, a good instinct and a passion for the profession are basic requirements. The new agents learn the most important basics of the profession from their more experienced professional and agency colleagues.