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What is direct booking?

Direct booking is a term from the model and entertainment industry that describes when a model or artist is booked directly for a job without having to attend a casting or audition beforehand. This type of booking is often based on the portfolio, reputation, or previous work of the model or artist. Direct bookings are time-saving and efficient for both clients and the talents booked.

Advantages of direct bookings

  • Time-saving: Direct bookings save time, as the casting process is eliminated.

  • Cost efficiency: They are often more cost-effective, as fewer resources are needed for casting.

  • Trust in talent: Direct booking is based on the client's trust in the abilities and suitability of the model or artist for the specific job.

How do direct bookings work?

  • Selection based on portfolios: Clients choose models or artists based on their portfolios, previous work, or recommendations.

  • Direct contact and negotiation: Contact and negotiations take place directly between the client and the model or artist or their agency.

  • Contract conclusion: After agreeing on terms and requirements, a contract is concluded for the job.

Challenges of direct bookings

  • Less flexibility for artists: Models and artists often have less influence on the conditions and details of the job in direct bookings.

  • Risk for clients: For clients, there is a risk that the selected talent does not exactly meet expectations or requirements, as no audition or casting has taken place.

Who are direct bookings suitable for?

  • Experienced models and artists: Direct bookings are particularly suitable for experienced professionals who have already built a solid career and extensive portfolio.

  • Clients with specific requirements: For clients who know exactly what they are looking for and with whom they want to work, direct bookings offer a quick and direct solution.

The role of agencies in direct bookings

  • Mediation and negotiation: Agencies often play a key role in mediating and negotiating direct bookings.

  • Portfolio management: They ensure that their clients' portfolios are up-to-date and appealing to facilitate direct booking.


To get direct bookings, it is important to have a meaningful portfolio, maintain a strong network in the industry, and have a good relationship with an agency.