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Introduction to artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. This includes areas such as learning, problem solving, speech recognition, decision making and visual perception. AI has become a central theme in modern technology, with far-reaching implications for various industries, from automotive to medicine.

Key features of artificial intelligence

  • Machine learning: This is a core aspect of AI in which machines learn from data and improve themselves without being explicitly programmed.

  • Neural networks: Replication of the human brain structure that enables machines to recognize complex patterns and relationships in data.

  • Automation: AI enables the automation of complex and repetitive tasks, leading to efficiency gains in many areas.

Areas of application for artificial intelligence

  • Healthcare: AI assists in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and enables personalized medicine.

  • Autonomous vehicles: AI is a key component in the development of self-driving cars.

  • Customer service: Use of AI in chatbots and virtual assistants to improve the customer experience.

  • Finance: AI is used for risk analysis, automated trading systems and fraud detection.

  • Industrial automation: AI improves production processes through predictive maintenance and efficient use of resources.

The future and challenges of AI

The future of AI promises further breakthroughs in technology that have the potential to fundamentally change our everyday lives and the world of work. At the same time, this rapid progress raises ethical, legal and social questions, particularly with regard to data protection, job security and the avoidance of bias.


Unlike traditional software, which is based on fixed rules, AI can learn from data and adapt to new situations.