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What is corporate design/identity?

Corporate design (CD) or corporate identity (CI) refers to the visual and conceptual identity of an organization as reflected in its logo, color scheme, typography and all visual materials used in public. These elements are critical to establishing a consistent and recognizable presence that reflects the brand's values and philosophy. Corporate identity goes beyond visual design and also encompasses an organization's internal values and culture as manifested in its behavior and communication, both internally and externally.

Key components of the corporate design

  • Logo: A distinctive graphic mark that makes an organization instantly recognizable.

  • Color scheme: Specific colors used in all of the brand's visual media to ensure consistency.

  • Typography: The selection of specific fonts used in all of the brand's written materials.

  • Stationery: Business cards, letterhead, and other office materials that are consistent in design.

  • Marketing materials: Brochures, flyers, advertisements and digital content that stylistically reflect the corporate design.

Development of a strong corporate identity

Developing a strong corporate identity requires a clear strategy and a deep understanding of the brand:

  • Brand analysis: determining the brand's core values, mission and target audience.

  • Design development: Creating a design that visually communicates the brand values and appeals to the target audience.

  • Creation of guidelines: Definition of specific guidelines for the application of the corporate design in various media and situations.

  • Implementation: Consistent application of the corporate design across all channels and touchpoints of the brand.

  • Monitoring and adaptation: Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of the design and adapting it to changing conditions and objectives.

Advantages of a consistent corporate identity

  • Increased brand recognition: A consistent visual image helps customers to easily recognize and remember the brand.

  • Building trust: Professional and consistent design creates trust among target customers.

  • Brand differentiation: A unique corporate identity helps to stand out from the competition.

  • Coherence: Consistent design elements ensure that the brand is communicated coherently across all channels.

Challenges in designing a corporate identity

  • Brand coherence: Ensuring that all aspects of the brand are consistent across different platforms and touchpoints.

  • Dynamic adaptations: The brand must be flexible enough to respond to market trends and changes in the target audience.

  • Integration: The challenge of integrating the corporate design into all facets of the organization, from employee clothing to product packaging.


A corporate design should be reviewed when the brand strategy changes, the company is repositioned or the current design is outdated.