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What is mystery shopping?

Mystery shopping, also known as undercover shopping, is a method of evaluating customer experience in which people appear undercover as normal customers to assess specific aspects of customer service. It is primarily used in retail, restaurants, hotels and other service-oriented industries. The aim is to gain objective insights into customer service quality, compliance with standards and the overall shopping experience.

The role of the mystery shopper

Mystery shoppers are given specific tasks and scenarios to test certain aspects of customer service. This may include staff behavior, facility cleanliness, service efficiency or the quality of products offered. They then provide detailed reports or feedback on their experiences, which companies use to identify areas for improvement.

Methods and strategies

Mystery shopping can be carried out in various forms, including face-to-face visits, telephone calls or online interactions. Companies can hire external agencies to carry out mystery shopping or train their own employees to do so.

Advantages of mystery shopping

The main advantages of mystery shopping are:

  • Identification of strengths and weaknesses in customer service.

  • Verification of compliance with company standards and guidelines.

  • Identification of training and development needs for staff.

  • Improve the customer experience and customer satisfaction.

Challenges and limits

One of the challenges of mystery shopping is ensuring the objectivity and consistency of the assessments. It is important that mystery shoppers are well trained and have clear guidelines for their assessments. Moreover, it is only one tool among many for assessing service quality and should be used in addition to other feedback methods.

Future prospects

In an increasingly digitalized world, the field of mystery shopping is expanding to include online purchases and interactions on social media. Companies are increasingly using digital tools and data analysis to supplement and deepen the results of mystery shopping.


Mystery shoppers are usually selected based on demographic characteristics that match the company's typical customers. They must be reliable, attentive and able to produce detailed reports.