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What is an audition?

In an audition artists such as actors, singers, dancers or musicians present their skills to a selection committee or casting director. The goal is to land a role in a play, film, television production, musical or other artistic performance. Auditions are a fundamental part of the selection process in the performing arts and entertainment industry.

Audition procedure

The typical process of an audition can vary, but usually includes the following steps:

  1. Application: Interested artists apply with their CV, a portrait and references or work samples, if applicable.

  2. Preparation: Participants prepare with specific pieces or monologues, which are often set by the audition organizer.

  3. Audition/performance: Performers present their prepared material to the selection committee.

  4. Feedback or callbacks: After the first audition, further rounds (callbacks) may follow in which the selection is narrowed down further.

Important aspects of a successful audition

  • Preparation: Thorough preparation for the required pieces or scenes is essential.

  • Professionalism: Punctuality, appropriate dress and a professional appearance are important.

  • Presentation: Clear and expressive performance of the selected material.

  • Flexibility: The ability to respond to feedback and make adjustments.

Types of auditions

  • Open auditions: Open to all interested parties, often for larger productions or ensembles.

  • Closed auditions: By invitation only, often for specific roles or projects.

  • Online auditions: A common practice, especially since the digital transformation and the COVID-19 pandemic, where artists submit their performances digitally.

Challenges at auditions

  • Competition: Often a large number of applicants for a small number of roles.

  • Pressure: High pressure to perform and stress can be a challenge.

  • Subjectivity: Selection decisions can be subjective and often depend on the specific ideas of the selection committee.

Importance of auditions for artists

Auditions offer artists the opportunity to present themselves to a wider audience and potential employers. They are often the key to entering the professional world of the performing arts and can be decisive for career development.

Tips for successful auditions

  • Know the material: understand the context and characters of the piece you are presenting.

  • Show personality: Bring your unique personality and interpretation to the performance.

  • Network: Also use auditions to socialize and build relationships in the industry.

  • Resilience: Learn to deal with rejection and see it as part of the process.


Auditions are often advertised online on industry-specific websites, via agencies or on social networks.