Job profile: Protagonist

As a protagonist, you are at the center of a story in film, theater or novels. Your role drives the plot forward and experiences central conflicts and developments. You often represent moral, emotional or thematic focal points. Versatility and in-depth character portrayal are crucial.

Lachendes Paar in entspannter Pose, agierend als Protagonisten

Reality stars: insights behind the scenes

Who are all the actors who appear in reality shows such as "Berlin Tag & Nacht", the docu-soap "Goodbye Deutschland" or the talk show "Maischberger"? Where do they come from and how much do they earn for allowing viewers to share their lives in front of the TV and chat out of the closet? You can find out all this in this article.

What do protagonists actually do?

Extras and background actors have long been a part-time job in film, television and theater. They are responsible for real backdrops, which they fill with life. With the boom in talk shows, reality and docu-soaps, another field of activity has developed for part-time actors who are no longer just supposed to be in the background. As a protagonist, you now act in the foreground and thus take on a leading role. In other words, protagonists can be defined as part-time leading actors.

As varied as the program formats are, so too are the areas in which the protagonists are deployed and the demands placed on them. There are docu-soaps or talk shows where the candidates have to be as honest and authentic as possible. Pro7's taff team, for example, is always looking for interesting people to test products for TV reports, talk about certain experiences or provide insights into specific parts of their lives. Vloggers, such as the well-known YouTubers, also fall into this category. For example, they enthusiastically report on their DIY projects or their latest travel destinations and what you should definitely have seen there. They either publish these videos themselves and are sponsored by companies or are employed by them. Other formats, on the other hand, require emotional outbursts.

However, the extent to which events, stories and actions correspond to reality remains questionable, as most shows are scripted. This means that they only fake certain things in order to keep the entertainment value as high as possible.

What skills do protagonists have?

Anyone can become a protagonist. Ultimately, the format of the program determines the requirements. However, anyone who works as a protagonist is generally not camera-shy, doesn't mince their words and has no problem letting the public share their life.

Is training necessary?

Protagonists do not need any special training and do not necessarily have to have acting skills, as they usually play or portray themselves. Exceptional "people" characters have the best prerequisites.

If you are wondering whether you have what it takes to be a protagonist and would like some tips on the application process, then take a look here: How to become a protagonist?

How much does a protagonist earn?

Depending on the shooting day, you can earn up to €200 a day or more. If the shooting day lasts a week, you can earn a proud salary of around €1,000. However, these figures can vary considerably depending on the program and format. The financial loss of an applicant who puts their job on hold for filming is also a decisive factor in the amount of compensation. Therefore, the higher the earnings from the main job, the higher the fee.

In the VOX docu-soap "Shopping Queen", for example, an expense allowance of around EUR 150 is paid for a week's filming. You also get to keep what you have shopped for to the value of EUR 500. The winner also receives prize money of EUR 1,000.

What development opportunities does a protagonist have?

If you do well in reality soap operas like "Berlin Tag & Nacht", you can hope for a permanent cast. However, reality, talk shows and docu-soaps are not necessarily looking for regular cast members. New faces and stories are what make this type of format so exciting, so candidates are regularly replaced.

However, if you want to work full-time in television for a longer period of time, you should take a closer look at the profession of professional actor. You can find more information here: How to become an actor?