Darstellerin / Featured Extra (w/d) für einen Video-Dreh
Application phase closed
Job description
Wir suchen für einen Video-Dreh in der Schweiz:
- weiblich
- ca. 35-45 Jahre
- gepflegt
- attraktiv , aber kein Modell-Typ
- offen, sympathisch (muss einen Begrüßungssatz sprechen)
1 Drehtag: am 11.06.23 (Sonntag)
Honorar: 750 € zuzügl. Reisekosten
Bewerbungen bitte mit kurzem Smartphone Video.
Shooting/production details
(Shooting) production location
Total compensation750€ / Drehtag + Reisekosten
Jobwork is not a recruitment agency. The client is solely responsible for the content. Jobwork cannot provide any further information about the advert or influence the decision-making process.
Jobwork is not a recruitment agency. The client is solely responsible for the content. Jobwork cannot provide any further information about the advert or influence the decision-making process.