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German native speaking actor (m/d) for a TV campaign

Vor 2 Stunden,Endet in 8 Tagen

We are looking for a male actor (40-60 years old) to play the role of Spokesperson in a TV campaign. The actor will speak text directly to the camera.

We are looking for native German speakers.

Please submit the following when applying:
- Photos (including portrait, close-up and full-length shot)
- Introduction video with information about you and previous experience
- We will send you the information for another introduction video if you are shortlisted

  • Male (40-60 years old)

  • You must be a native German speaker

  • Dynamic, charismatic, and well-articulated personality

  • Willing to travel to Berlin, Germany

  • For the role of " Spokesperson" speaking directly to the camera

  • Advanced acting experience is not required, but appreciated

  • The text is in German, basic English proficiency is required as our director speaks English

Geschlecht männlich / divers
Spielalter 40 – 60 Jahre
Berlin (DE)
Produktionszeitraum/-Tage05.02 - 05.02.2025 / 1
Weitere Details
Production information: - 1 day of shooting - Payment: €750 daily fee + Buyout - Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by us - Recording date: 05.02.2025 - Shooting location: Berlin, Germany
Gage / Vergütung750 € / Drehtag + Buyout
ReisekostenDie Kosten für die An- und Abreise werden übernommen.
UnterkunftEine Unterkunft wird gestellt oder bezahlt.
VerpflegungFür Verpflegung ist gesorgt.
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